stevenage bc • extensions


In response to gentrifying schemes, public controversy and a very poor press in 2003/4, my alternative ideas for a technical upgrade of the Norwich Market were volunteered to maintain a central image of the coloured ‘tilts’ that have been burnt into the Norwich soul!

The proposals were well received and at my request, the further work required to detail the design advice needed linked me to Rupert Kitchen of my old firm, (LSIarchitects) in steering matters to a conclusion with RG Carter, who were formally responsible for design and delivery.

It subsequently transpired that opportunity for improving layout rested only in the small and practical details, since all the stallholders had been promised a return to more or less their old positions.  

In general what we carried out at Norwich Market was a significant technical upgrade; one that brought the stalls up to modern standards of hygiene whilst retaining the character that had the affection of the public – playing to the gallery? : meanwhile adding amenity for traders and users by creating light and airy aisles that are as close to open air as possible.

A good account of the ideas and a full history of Norwich Market, written by Michael and Frances Holmes, will be found at:


It would have improved the functioning of the market had it been possible to reduce the number of stalls by about a dozen or so, (this could still happen at some time. If wanted).  This was proposed but not progressed.  My object was to create just a few internal spaces, (3) or ‘destinations’ for some focussed activities within: thereby adding to the appeal of the stalls not sited on the easier busy edges of The Walk.